
“And God Changed His Mind”

Through prayer, every human being has access to a dynamic relationship with God. You might think that you aren’t good enough, or that only a priest or pastor can hold the ear of God. That couldn’t be further from the truth! Every person can talk to God, the Creator of the Universe, and be heard.

I recently finished a book on prayer called “And God Changed His Mind.” The book is written by Brother Andrew, a missionary who began his “career” by smuggling Bibles into the Soviet Union.  I recommend this book, absolutely.

image from goodreads.com
image from goodreads.com

It was a simple read on prayer, but profound. Prior to reading this book, I believed in the power of prayer. After reading it, I can say that I truly feel empowered to pray. I better know how to pray. One thing the author stresses is the fatalistic worldview that even Christians have picked up. For example, he relates the story of two women talking about persecuted Christians in a conflicted region of the world. The women just sigh at the end of the conversation and come to the conclusion that God “must have a reason” for allowing these evils and that it is somehow in His will. They don’t rally to pray against these evils, and fail to realize that, while God may allow suffering, it doesn’t mean that He wills it. He tells great stories of answered prayers that he has seen in his ministry and lifetime. Brother Andrew also lists strategies that Satan employs, and how we can stay strong against these strategies. There are a few ideas that seem radical and that I don’t necessarily agree with, but that’s no reason not to read the book. If you have ever wanted a closer relationship with God and a vibrant prayer life, read this book!

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