
Just Do It!

I think Nike was on to something with their slogan. "Just do it!" During my journey of desiring to walk more closely with God and in listening to the stories of others, I've seen that the Holy Spirit often asks us to follow promptings that might not make sense at first glance. And I've also… Continue reading Just Do It!


There’s No Time for That.

"We must live together as brothers, or perish together as fools." I spotted the above quote on a church billboard the same day I determined to make this post. The quote sums up perfectly what will be discussed in this blog post, and what has been on my mind. The year 2020 has made many… Continue reading There’s No Time for That.


It’s All About Timing.

More and more, I'm realizing that life and its intricacies come down to the timing. Life is all about timing! If you're still waiting for a job offer, or a better job offer, take heart. If you're still waiting for the right home to open up, or for your offer to be accepted, take heart.… Continue reading It’s All About Timing.


The Way Things Were.

I wish things would just go back to the way they were. This thought has been a grumble of mine to God many times over now. It's been a tug at my heart when things aren't exactly as I would like them to be. Despite being a very adaptable person, there are a number of… Continue reading The Way Things Were.


A Testimony: From Loneliness to Overflow.

(I've been feeling pulled to share this and believe that someone needs to read this!) In so many ways, my life is a testament to God's healing power and redemption. There is one particular area which I'll share on in-depth in this post, and that is the relationship area of my life. During my middle… Continue reading A Testimony: From Loneliness to Overflow.


Simple Ways to Stick Close to God Throughout the Day–Part II!

By far, one of the most viewed posts on this site is "Simple Ways to Stick Close to God Throughout the Day." My spiritual life has changed a lot since those days. So, in this post, I'd like to add a few more tips that I hope might be helpful! Our hearts can easily be… Continue reading Simple Ways to Stick Close to God Throughout the Day–Part II!


What Wake Are You Leaving?

Wherever you go, you are leaving a wake in your midst. What kind of a wake is it? You know what I'm talking about. There are times when we leave the presence of someone and feel a deep peace and happiness. We felt loved and encouraged by the interaction. We hope to spend more time… Continue reading What Wake Are You Leaving?


Revealing Moments

I've written before about moments. When you think about it, it's moments that add up to create a life! There are sometimes moments that stick out brightly to me. They are almost moments where Heaven seems to meet earth, and there is a quick glimpse of a spiritual reality in the physical. Recently, I witnessed one… Continue reading Revealing Moments


Why I’m Cutting Down on Social Media.

I'm a person who really enjoys being connected with others. I thrive on having an active social life. While social media is a way to stay connected, I've found that I prefer other ways. There is a certain app which I used to use, which connected me with friends, family, and people from the across the… Continue reading Why I’m Cutting Down on Social Media.

relationships, Uncategorized

Success, and The Big Difference

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up."-Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 The past few years have been quite a journey in regards to the relationship area… Continue reading Success, and The Big Difference